Why Self-Reflection is Key to Personal Growth 

Shandra Martinez

| 2 min read

sad woman at home for the corona virus
Making time for self-reflection, self-care and self-improvement can be a key way to reduce stress. This can be accomplished by getting up in the morning to work out, writing a few thoughts in your journal or meditate. It’s going to be something different for everyone and doesn't have to take a lot of time, according to Marissa Jarrett, a well-being coordinator for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. But the key is turning off electronic devices and stepping away from other distractions. “Self-reflection leads to self-improvement, and in order to have all of that, you need to have self-care. They're all encompassed together,” Jarret said.

Take time

On the latest episode of A Healthier Michigan Podcast, hosted by Chuck Gaidica, he and Jarret discuss the importance of taking time for self-reflection and personal growth. Jarret has an extensive background in group fitness, personal training, bodybuilding, CrossFit and wellness coaching. She is also a Flint/Mid-Michigan Overall Women's Bodybuilding Champion.
Jarrett finds journaling is key to her self-reflection and growth. Along with what is happening in her life, she writes down her thoughts and feelings. She makes a practice of going back to read her journal entries. “It ends up becoming a blueprint of your life, if you do it on a regular basis,” Jarret said. “You'd be really surprised what you might learn after you reflect on what you wrote a week later, a month later, a year later. You can really learn a lot.”

A revealing insight

In addition to being a good practice, this insight can reveal behaviors and habits that you want to change and motivate you to take steps to change them. The practice can also give you a better understanding of what you are successful at and inspire you to move toward goals. She encourages people to set time aside every day to do something they enjoy. This can be walking, journaling, listening to a podcast, meditating, or playing with children or the dog. This time of self-care can become a time of self-reflection and personal growth over time. “Ask yourself, where do you see yourself next month? Or in the years ahead? And learn to see yourself as the person you want to be,” said Jarret. “If I had to sum it up in a couple of words, "Live it, love it, be it." Listen to the full episode here.  Related:
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