Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Will Allow Greater Access to Prescription Drugs to Help Members During COVID-19 Crisis

Brianna Neace

| 2 min read

A pile of prescription pill bottles
DETROIT, March 26, 2020 – Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network of Michigan will further expand access to prescription drug refills for members in order to comply with an executive order issued by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to expand access to prescription drug refills during the COVID-19 public health crisis. On March 6, BCBSM announced a series of steps to expand prescription drug access during the COVID-19 pandemic period, including waiving early medication refill limits on 30-day prescription maintenance medications, consistent with the member’s benefit plan. BCBSM also is encouraging members to use 90-day mail order, if available, to ensure ample supplies of prescriptions. BCBSM will also ensure formulary flexibility if there are shortages or access issues. If such circumstances arise, patients will not be liable for the additional charges that stem from obtaining a non-preferred medication for COVID-19 treatment. Governor Whitmer's executive order expands BCBSM and BCN efforts by requiring all insurers to waive any limits on early refills, so Michigan residents can obtain a 90-day supply of prescription drugs necessary to manage their medical conditions during the COVID-19 crisis. “We appreciate the Governor’s leadership on expanding prescription drug access,” said Daniel J. Loepp, President and CEO of BCBSM. “It’s especially critical to enable people to have 90-day supplies. Given the importance of social distancing to combatting the spread of this virus, it’s helpful for people to not have to go to the pharmacy for refills as often.” Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit mutual insurance company, is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. For more company information, visit and
MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association