Can Michigan Compete? 2018 Mackinac Policy Conference Preview

Julie Bitely

| 2 min read

Image of sign welcoming visitors to Mackinac Island State Park.
The unique pressures and challenges facing Michigan, as well as public institutions in general, will be the focus of conversation next week when business and political leaders gather for the annual Mackinac Policy Conference. The event takes place May 29-June 1 on Mackinac Island and is sponsored by the Detroit Regional Chamber. A variety of prominent state and national speakers will provide thought leadership on this year’s conference pillars, which are: Is Michigan Prepared? Ensure Michigan’s competitiveness for major business investment by protecting the existing business climate and addressing issues preventing sustained prosperity for all.
  • The Mobility Disruption: Strengthen Michigan’s readiness for the disruption that next-generation mobility will create for industry and society.
  • Trust: Restore confidence in the critical institutions of government, media and business to build trust in society.
If you can’t make it to the island this year, many of the sessions will be broadcast live on Detroit Public Television, which also has a streaming service so everyone statewide can join the conversation. You can read our on-site blogger’s coverage of the conference right here or follow the official conference hashtag, #MPC18, on social media, including our Facebook and Twitter accounts. If you enjoyed this post, you might also like:
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