Help Your Business Win By Losing—Register by September 19th!
| 2 min read
Despite proof that the happier and healthier an employee is, the more productive and engaged they are at work (and the fewer sick days they take), it can be tough to motivate your office to get up and moving. Sometimes you need a helping hand when encouraging employees to boost their in-office activity levels. That’s where Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s Win by Losing competition comes in. Win by Losing is a free, weight loss competition available to all group customers—from those with a single employee to offices of 10,000. The program’s goal is to help your whole team lose weight while bonding and earning bragging rights over other Michigan companies. The competition takes place twice a year, with the second run of 2016 starting next month. Registration opens September 12 and the competition runs from September 19 through November 18. To register, companies will need to designate a group representative and log the total group’s weight. Each week the representative will update the team’s weight, and the leaderboard will refresh to reflect the percentage of weight lost. Why should your workplace sign-up?
- It builds group morale: Bonding in the workplace can sometimes seem like a chore when dealing with differing schedules and priorities. Win by Losing is a way to get everyone together and bring out their competitive spirit.
- A reason to get on your feet from 9-to-5: Walks during work are known to boost productivity and keep attitudes positive. Try walking meetings or bring in a yoga instructor at lunchtime.
- Bonus: Prizes! Although a slimmer figure and a healthier lifestyle is the real prize, bragging rights, t-shirts and a trophy definitely don’t hurt.
If your company is ready to “lose,” visit this link starting September 12 to sign-up. For more workplace wellness tips, visit these blogs: