Pioneering a New Way
We have created a new standard for how nonprofit Blue Plans can work together. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has affiliated with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont to do more to meet the needs of the people we serve in our respective, local communities.
As a diversified organization, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan strives to make health care costs affordable and predictable for members and group customers, while offering high-quality health care solutions and a best-in-class provider network. Our partnerships make us stronger. By partnering, sharing resources, expertise and technology, we can bring best practices and innovative solutions to our members, customers, providers and communities.
We’re stronger together.
Questions You May Be Asking
How will this impact BCBSM members and group customers?
The affiliation does not have any impact on Michigan members or group customers. The service and product offerings we offer today have not changed.
Why Vermont?
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont have a history of working together. As Blue plans, we have long shared industry, process, and regulatory knowledge. We share a claims operating platform and have been working together to bring innovative solutions to our communities. This affiliation formalizes our collaboration and offers an opportunity for BCBSM to expand the impact we will have.
Will Michigan providers experience any changes with this partnership?
No. There are no changes.
Will there be any impact to the nonprofit status of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan?
No. We will continue as a nonprofit mutual health insurance company.
What will happen to the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan brand and company name?
There is no change to any of the branding or naming of our company.
Will Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan continue to invest in local communities?
Yes. We are deeply rooted in our local communities. We fully expect that these community-based efforts will continue into the future.
Who We Are
- A nonprofit mutual insurance company serving Michigan for 84 years
- We work with the largest network of health care providers in Michigan, including more than 150 hospitals and more than 33,000 doctors.
- We are an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
- We employ more than 11,000 people