Help Your Employees Achieve Balance and Success as a Caregiver


| 3 min read

Help Your Employees Achieve Balance and Success as Caregivers
Juggling work and home life can be especially challenging for employees who care for elderly or disabled family members, relatives or friends. They constantly face the needs and responsibilities of both home and work life. An estimated 33.3 million adults in the United States have provided unpaid care to an adult in the past 12 months, a number poised to grow as Baby Boomers age. Employers who provide resources and support to those who double as caregivers can alleviate attendance and performance issues at work while helping them achieve some semblance of balance at home. Here are some tips to share with your employees to help ease the process of caring for another:
  • Use the same pharmacy for all refills: The pharmacy will maintain an accurate record of all medications, and this record will come in handy if any insurance issues arise. More importantly, the history will help the pharmacist identify any potential harmful and unsafe combinations of prescription medications.
  • Create a schedule of how and when pills should be administered: Time of day matters when it comes to giving loved ones their medication. Setting an alarm with notes on what the medication is and how it is administered serves as a helpful reminder when it’s time to administer a dose, preventing any missed medications or skipped steps.
  • Keep the primary care physician and pharmacist aware of all medications, as well as medication updates and changes: The primary care physician and pharmacist should always be kept up to date with their patient’s medications. This will allow for better treatment options and advice when needed most.
  • Listen to your gut: Medically, it may not always seem rational, but instinct can serve one well. People know their loved ones like the back of their hand, so encourage your employees to keep this in mind when moments of uncertainty arise.
  • Keep a list of medications: Trying to remember the names, dosage and timing of each medication may prove to be a challenge. Be sure to include all medicines, including over-the-counter pills, vitamins and supplements. They’ll be thankful they have this prepared in advance.
  • Take a trusted family member to every doctor’s visit: This may seem obvious, but it’s comforting to have a family member’s support during a doctor’s visit. It’s also very important to ask questions and record the doctor’s answers. The notes or audio recording will act as a care journal that can be easily referenced when difficult decisions need to be made.
Visit these blogs for more information on how you can help your employees learn the safest ways to take and administer prescriptions:
Photo credit: Enlightening_Images
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