Blue Cross Serves Up Local Food, Good Eats


| 2 min read

For Michiganders, eating local is important. Michigan’s economy is fueled by the agriculture industry (it contributes $101 billion to the economy each year) and 98 percent of Michigan farms are owned by Michigan families. That’s why Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan makes it a priority to help employees eat local, healthy food. To do that, Blue Cross partners with Door to Door Organics, a company that delivers organic, fresh produce and local food items directly to your door. Employees get discounts on the food delivery service and can even choose to have their box of local food delivered to the wellness center at Blue Cross (having healthy food at work is just as important as having it at home!). More than 60 employees already participate in the program. “Corporate initiatives at Blue Cross, like the partnerships with Door to Door Organics, help employees choose healthy foods over less nutritious, more convenient items,” said Michelle Miller, wellness coordinator for Blue Cross. “We like knowing we’re helping employees feed themselves and their families better.” Miller and her team also work with Blue Cross cafeteria vendors to ensure local food is provided whenever possible. Nuts from Detroit-based Germack are a staple there as is Michigan-made coffee. While encouraging the eating of locally grown produce and Michigan-made food is important, it’s not the only way Blue Cross helps employees live better lives. For example, Blue Cross has a walking program where participants average more than three miles a day (with 81 percent of employees enrolled in the program). Check out these blogs for even more insight into ways Blue Cross puts the health of its employees and its community first:
Photo credit: Larry Hoffman
MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association