BCBSM Advocates Awareness of Diversity and Health Disparities

Taylar Kobylas

| 1 min read

Most of us have heard a lot about how diversity is an important aspect of the workplace. But what does embracing diversity really look like in practice? What health disparities do diverse communities face, and how can Michigan businesses better support these communities? Listen in below as local leaders and diversity champions describe their daily efforts to address the need for diversity, and what their work means to others. Guests on the November's Healthier Michigan Radio Show include:
For more information on the Healthier Michigan Radio Show, tune into WJR on the first Tuesday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. https://soundcloud.com/bcbsmnews/the-healthier-michigan-radio-show-november-2015?in=bcbsmnews/sets/radio-interviews Photo credit: Oregon Department of Transportation
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