Blue Cross Blue Shield celebrates National Youth Enrollment Day

Adriane Davis

| 2 min read

Shopping for health insurance can be exhausting and confusing, especially for people who have never had to enroll in a health plan of their own. The demographic most affected by the confusion of the Affordable Care Act, the Marketplace and shopping for coverage, are millennials, commonly referred to as the “young invincibles”. National Youth Enrollment Day is a collaborative effort between Young Invincibles and Enroll America, to reduce misconceptions about purchasing a health plan and deadlines for enrollment. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan will be hosting an enrollment seminar aligned with National Youth Enrollment Day on Saturday, Feb. 15 at the Rust Belt Market in Ferndale, Michigan from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. People will be able to ask questions about the ACA, speak with a certified BCBSM agent and enroll in a coverage plan. The goal of National Youth Enrollment Day is to get young people to understand the importance of having health coverage. Celebrities have joined the movement to help advertise efforts to get young people more engaged in choosing health care plans. Flyers with images of celebrities like Adam Levine, Amy Poehler and Kerry Washington have been spread around the internet attempting to spread the message about the importance of getting health care. To learn the basics of health reform, Michiganders can visit If you live in Michigan and need to determine your eligibility for government subsidies, text “4Subsidy” to 222-752. Photo credit: Shianne Nocerini
MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association