4 Reasons Everyone Should Get a Flu Shot


| 2 min read

Nurse preparing a flu shot
Have you gotten your flu shot yet this year? Flu season is already here, so if you haven’t, the sooner you get your vaccine, the better protected you’ll be. If you’re still on the fence about getting your flu shot, here are four reasons why you should get one:
  1. Flu complications can be serious. The flu is no laughing matter. More than 80,000 people died from the flu or flu-related health issues last year. Flu complications, such as dehydration and pneumonia, send even healthy people to the hospital and cost patients billions of dollars in health-related costs each year.
  2. It’s effective. Each year, experts look at research and trends to best identify the strains that will be the most common. This makes the flu vaccine the single most effective way to prevent the flu and keep you healthy.
  3. It’s safe. One common flu shot myth is that it can give you the flu. It can’t. The flu shot isn’t made from an active flu virus, so there’s no way it can cause the flu. Common side effects of the vaccine are redness, soreness or swelling at the injection site. This is due to the injection itself, not the flu virus.
  4. It’s easy. If you’re a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan or Blue Care Network member, visit a participating pharmacy with your member ID card to get your flu shot today. While most pharmacies will accept your coverage, be sure to ask before you get your vaccine. Then, write down the date and let your doctor know at your next appointment so he or she can keep your immunization chart up to date — and you healthy. You can also schedule an appointment with your primary doctor to get one. Your office visit copayment may apply.
For Blue Cross members without BCBSM pharmacy coverage: Visit bcbsm.com/preventflu to see a list of immunizing pharmacies that provide vaccines under your medical coverage. For related content, check out these posts:
Photo credit: Fort George G. Meade
MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association