Employees look to their employer to be a true partner in managing their health. That’s why so many companies offer robust benefits packages, including health care. Here are specific things you can do now to start preparing your business for the future of health care.
- Equip your employees now. Make sure all of your employees have the knowledge they need to fully understand their current coverage. When they’re selecting a plan, give them a comprehensive breakdown of the coverage options your company offers. Include definitions of basic health insurance terms like “copay” and “deductible”—that kind of understanding can go a long way towards making the process easier. Also be as transparent as possible about what is covered by the company and what costs are on the employees— that way if anything changes down the road, the entire office already has a base knowledge about their benefits. If you’re looking for more information to help inform and educate your employees’ Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan plans, you can find more information through the website, mobile app, informational videos, and more.
- Did someone say savings? Regardless of the state of health care, one thing is certain: Your employees are going to want to cut costs whenever possible. There are many ways employees can save money on their care or treatment, so make sure they understand their options. Whether it’s by taking advantage of HSAs (health savings accounts) or FSAs (flexible spending accounts) or using an online pharmacy to save on prescriptions, employees need to be aware of these resources and feel comfortable using them. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has cost estimator and Health Savings Account tools you can use to get a breakdown of costs and help with your decision on the best spending account for you.
- Promote a healthy lifestyle. One of the biggest ways employees can prepare for the future is to take care of their health now. Encourage your employees to participate in preventive care services, which are often covered by their insurance and can help reduce their risk for serious diseases. Remind them about annual physicals and flu shots by posting signs around the office, sending email alerts or bringing it up in team meetings. It’s impactful to use statistics to reinforce the importance of preventive care. For example, mention that the flu leads to 75 million sick days each year and could cause employees to miss up to one full week of work.
It’s important to make sure you keep your employees up-to-date on any changes you’ll be making to their plans or benefits packages. With full transparency, you’ll gain their trust and ensure nobody is needlessly worried about their future. For more health care and wellness tips for your business, check out these blogs:
- 6 things everyone should know about the flu shot
- Workplace wellness: How a step challenge changed my workday
- Continuing education: Keeping employees in-the-know about health care
Photo Credit: Matthias Zomer