Vaccines have successfully reduced and eliminated many communicable diseases and are estimated to save millions of lives annually. They’re a key measure in preventing viral, contagious conditions. Encouraging your employees to keep themselves and family members up to date on vaccinations is good for their health and good for your business. Adult employees should be encouraged to receive an annual influenza vaccine, as well as regular Td/Tdap boosters to protect against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis, or whooping cough. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends additional vaccines based on age, health conditions, vaccinations received as a child and other factors. Vaccinations your employees might need include:
- Chickenpox
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- MMR (Measles, mumps, rubella)
- Meningococcal
- Pneumococcal
- Shingles
Why encourage higher vaccination rates as an employer? A healthier employee population has lower rates of absenteeism. When vaccination rates increase, overall downstream medical costs are often reduced. Right now is the perfect time to promote flu shots, which would ideally be administered before the flu season starts but no later than end of October, according to the CDC. The flu vaccine has been shown to reduce the chance of coming down with influenza by 60% - imagine the difference in the health of your employees if most simply got their flu shot every year. If you’re able, offering an on-site flu shot clinic is another convenient option for employees that could boost vaccination rates at your workplace. Many vaccines are covered for members and can be obtained conveniently at pharmacies. Make sure your employees know about the benefits of vaccines as an adult and what their health plan covers. For more information about the value of vaccinations at work, check out this Blue Cross® Virtual Well-Being webinar. You can also sign up for future employer-focused and general interest webinars here, where you’ll also be able to access past sessions and resources. Related:
- The Importance of Preventive Care for Your Employees
- Encouraging Social Connections at Work
- Encouraging Employees to Take Vacations
Photo credit: Geber86